News & Updates

News & Updates
update August 2024
We just wanted to reach out and keep you all updated on a few changes at definition hair salon.
Firstly we have listened and we now have online booking available which a lot have you have been asking for. Just go to our bookings and contact on our menu or Instagram @definition.hairbeauty and follow the link.
Secondly Bex is now an independent contractor. this means her hours will be different and she will now book all her own appointments. Contact her through her Instagram @rebeccas_little_studio
Finally we have had to make a slight price increase due to the rising cost of everything. We have put this off as long as we can, but if we want to carry on providing you the best possible service we have now no choice but to do this from the 1st of September.
We do still offer afterpay and will be offering the new laybuy service provided by Klarna as soon as this is up and running. As well as our express menu which can help with managing the costs of your appointments.
We would like to thank you for your ongoing custom and loyalty.
we look forward to seeing you soon,
warmest regards